Relate Milton Keynes Employee Assist Programme (EAP)
What is the Employee Assist Programme?
And how can it work for you…
Relating to the work place…
Tough economic times bring challenges. People’s stress levels rise and the pressures on employers and employees increases. How we view and deal with the increased anxiety and stress is the key to overcoming these issues.
Employers have a duty of care for the psychological wellbeing of their employees. Often the cracks appear too far down the road and having systems and procedures in place at work to counteract the problems arising from stress and anxiety can be beneficial for all concerned; that’s where the importance of an Employee Assist Programme (EAP) comes in.
If physical, psychological and behavioural issues are addressed early, this will lead to an improvement in the workers performance and ultimately a reduction in absence.
The EAP can be tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Our counsellors can offer support throughout the programme with one to one counselling.
Tackling the issues together…
Benefits include:
Happier and more productive staff who feel supported to carry out their work
Cost effectiveness – e.g. reduced absence
Staff feeling valued and energised
Improved relationships with colleagues, promoting more effective work practises
EAP can be offered as a non-salary benefit to staff
The benefits of an effective EAP are substantial and extend far beyond the workplace. If people are unhappy at work it often affects family members and can become a vicious circle. Feeling rewarded in our workplace is a win-win situation for employees and also employers.
How you can benefit from our EAP
According to research conducted by the Health & Safety Executive in 2017/18 (Source: LFS self-reported estimates) 30.7 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health and non-fatal workplace injuries.
- Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health, 15.4 million and 6.6 million respectively.
- On average, each person suffering took around 16.5 days off work. This varies as follows:
- 25.8 days for Stress, depression or anxiety
- 19.8 days for Ill health cases
- 14.0 days for Musculoskeletal disorders
- 7.1 days for Injuries
We can support your employee’s emotional wellbeing in ways that can reduce absence and improve productivity and communication.
What we can offer
Relate may be best known for couple counselling but that is only one of the many areas of support that we can offer. We can use our skills to support your employees with a wide range of issues including:
Improving communication both at work and at home
Increasing confidence
Reducing conflict with a partner
Overcoming sexual problems
Supporting with family conflict or parenting issues
Even the smallest issue in someone’s personal life can have a big impact on their ability to perform to their full potential.
A flexible approach
The Employee Assistance Programme can be specifically tailored to suit your needs as an employer e.g. you can decide how many sessions of counselling to offer employees.
For further information:-
Contact us:
Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm (3.00pm Friday)
- Phone: 01908 310010, 07484096166 or 07484096479 (this number is only available at limited times)
- Email: