For a lot of people, being forced out of normal routines and habits can take it’s toll on our moods, and being proactive to adjust to this may not come naturally when you’re worried or stressed. Give yourself plenty of credit for making small, impactful changes during exceptional circumstances.
Here are our tips for reducing anxiety and looking after your general wellbeing:
Reducing anxiety
- You might choose to start each day with a quick wellbeing check-in so everyone knows how others are doing and can be considerate. It will also help you to address any concerns so you can then focus on other things.
- When somebody expresses a concern about coronavirus, or any other issue, listen to them and try to understand how they’re feeling. Avoid accusing them of over-reacting.
- If somebody is ill or is anxious about coronavirus, avoid bringing up other tricky issues unless really necessary.
- Take control of what you can control – your own behaviour and encouraging family and friends to follow the government advice.
- Try to avoid using catastrophising language. Brushing things under the carpet can also increase anxiety so aim to strike a balance.
- If somebody is worried, listen to their specific concerns and research the facts together.
- Remember that self-isolating isn’t forever. You’re doing it to keep everyone healthy so give yourselves a pat on the back.
- Think of ways you can unleash your creativity. You might want to get started on some books you’ve been meaning to read for ages, try drawing, or a spot of DIY.
- If you’re not unwell exercise is a good way of relieving stress and staying healthy both mentally and physically. Whether it’s an online yoga class or a short, daily walk, it’s likely to do your mental health and your relationships some good.
- Meditation can be a great way of de-stressing and focussing on the present moment. Headspace is a great app for getting started.
- If you feel like you have too much going on in your head, keeping a journal about how you are feeling can help you to make sense of it all.
- Make sure you drink enough water, eat regular, healthy meals and get enough sleep.
- If you are working from home, try to be disciplined about keeping to office hours and be sure to take plenty of breaks.