Supporting Local NHS Staff

During these unprecedented times Relate MK understands that there is a need for our services now more than ever.

We want to show our support for NHS staff working in Milton Keynes; so we are offering a *free (normally £50/£55) assessment appointment with one of our experienced counsellors. *This applies to bookings made by the 1st September 2020.

For more information about the different types of counselling services we offer, visit ourServices we offer‘ page.

To book a webcam (Zoom) or telephone appointment:


Speak to a member of our admin team:

Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm (9.00am – 3.00pm Friday)

01908 310010 (connected to answer phone), 07484096166   or   07484096479 (this number is only available at limited times)

Remember to mention that you have seen this advertised on our website